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Founder/ED/Chief Visionary Officer
Toni Goins entered into motherhood her first year in college. She met with a banker at a local bank to get help with a financial strategy. To her surprise the banker discarded her and advised that based on her limited income she did not qualify to speak with a financial advisor. Toni made the decision at 19 years old that she would someday create a company where people would have access to the right financial information that would change the trajectory of their lives. As a young mom Toni struggled with being able to provide her children with quality housing and healthy food options and relied on public assistance. While she attended college, she worked two jobs and started multiple small businesses to bring in additional income. Toni’s children became her driving force. She focused on her own personal, educational, and career development to ensure she could provide the best life possible for her children. Toni’s career spans over 20 years of experience in banking and financial services. She is the owner of Rich Girl Consulting, owner of Rich Girl Flips, co-owner of L2 Candle Bar, author, speaker, and mentor. Toni is passionate about providing financial game plans to families that are overlooked in banking and financial services. She is living proof that with the right mentorship, faith, and work ethic, you can elevate yourself and others.


Chief Financial Officer
Mitchell has a passion for helping others achieve their financial goals. He has the ability to translate complicated financial and investment strategies into plain English and works with individuals and families to create the plans to meet those goals. He began his career in financial planning while putting himself through college working at an online brokerage firm. Upon earning his undergraduate degree in Finance and Banking, he went to work as an investment adviser. He now holds an MBA, is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioner, Retirement Income Certified Professional®, and Registered Social Security Analyst®.
Mitchell is a career military man first enlisting in the Marine Corps and later being commissioned in the Army as an Infantry Officer. He has multiple combat tours as an Infantry Platoon Leader during the surge of Iraq, and later, as an Infantry Company Commander where he led the last fighting force out of Iraq in December of 2011. He has been awarded numerous medals and badges. During his entire military career, he has worked with hundreds of soldiers to help improve their financial well-being. His is an award-winning author of Tactical Influence: How I Countered an Insurgency with Words and a best-selling personal finance book Had I Only Known about Money Then.


Director of Housing Developments & Strategic Planning
“When Life throws you lemons, make lemonade!” Kecia could have been deemed the poster child for trials and tribulations. Kecia comes  from a broken home, drug and alcoholic parents, mental/sexual abuse, poverty, welfare recipient, section 8, eviction, repossession, single motherhood, divorce, etc. If you name it, she has overcome it and is committed to helping others overcome their challenges. Kecia’s background is in credit repair, financial literacy and real-estate rehabs and development.  She has also worked with various entities to bring insight on projects, financial planning and real estate portfolio expansion. Kecia is the CEO of Fresh Start Credit Services, which is a credit and financial platform aimed at educating clients on the importance of credit, repairing it, building it and maintaining it. Kecia is also the CEO Alpha and Omega Development which is an investment firm that focuses on transforming distressed houses in underserved communities to beautiful homes for families to live and thrive in. As the CEO of RehabHer, Kecia is changing the narrative of women in construction, teaching women from dire backgrounds how to be successful in life and real-estate. Lastly, Kecia is a proud member of N.A.W.I.C (National Association of Women in Construction).
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